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Writer's pictureSue Stott

5 Steps Towards Self-Leadership

Self leadership is about knowing when it’s time to change course and directing this change.

It’s about finding the fortitude to break free of rusty old habits that are weighing you down, which often takes courage and action.

Sometimes this resolve comes when you get to breaking point, and at other times it’s an easy transition.

  1. Focus on your desired OUTCOME Clearly identify the beliefs or destructive patterns that are controlling your life. Get clear on the positive outcome you want to create and set a defined or measurable target.

  2. Identify the REASONS you need this change "Reasons" are kind of like the fuel that will drive you to your outcome or destination. By regularly tuning in to these reasons, you’ll be more likely to stay on track when the inevitable bumps in the road appear.

  3. Take consistent ACTION Whether it’s baby steps or a defining moment where you resolve to create immediate change, the key is to make some type of progress no matter what. It comes down to defining some simple, new, daily non-negotiables.

  4. REVIEW your progress regularl Depending on your desired outcome, set yourself some mini time-frames e.g. one month, three months, six months and one year to check in with yourself on how you’re tracking. If things aren't working, it usually means the "reasons" aren’t compelling enough, so you may need to go back to step 2.

  5. Choose your circle of INFLUENCE wisely Who you hang out with, connect with and what you read and watch on a daily basis will either be "constructive" or "destructive" to your progress. Make a conscious effort to avoid negative people and the news (which is almost always negative) and nourish your mind, body and spirit with positive vibes and energy e.g. through outdoor activities, personal development books, uplifting facebook groups, inspiring podcasts, events, etc.

So where do you start? Taking the first step is always the hardest, but the key is to keep it simple. Any change that’s positive usually requires some type of disruption of old patterns which can be uncomfortable, but it’s only in this realm that growth really occurs.


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