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I was recommended to Sue by a good friend who had turned his health around for the better with her guidance and support.

My oncologist wanted to perform a serious operation to remove as much of my cancer as he could. I was seriously overweight so keyhole surgery was not an option, he would have to slice me right open to get to my cancer. I was quite depressed and didn’t care about my health or life; my real concern was making sure my wife would be looked after.

With Sue’s support and suggested lifestyle changes I have completely changed my eating habits and turned my health around. It wasn’t necessarily easy, but it was easy to understand and made perfect logical sense. Sue was good at explaining things to me so I could easily understand. It was a very different process to what the doctor wanted me on, but I trusted my friend’s recommendation and gave it a go. I did not have any surgery and I have lost 87kgs and feel great.  I have so much more energy and I want to live again. I am eating so much healthier. I do go back to my doctor for check-ups and he told me to keep doing what I am doing and he said my blood was healthy like a 30 year olds blood would be and I am 69 years of age. I would definitely recommend Sue and what she teaches as a way of healing.

— Michael

Before I became familiar with Sue's wonderful nutritional knowledge, I had been quite ill for some years, and was in and out of hospital quite a bit. My nutrition was so bad that a blood test caused the Dr's who where looking after me to say I had only 5 months to live if my blood chemistry didn't change soon. (That was 3 years ago now).

I don't exactly remember how I became familiar with Sue's nutritional work, but I do remember that when I found out I knew I had to know more, it wasn't just a coincidence, and I had to find out more.

I stayed at Sue's place for 3 days. As I'm medically trained, I want to know everything I can about an issue when it comes to treating the body for good health. I was immersed in an environment that was completely healthy and nutrition based, watching videos and practicing making healthy food. (You might say it was odd that I didn't know any of this in the medical field. Well, it's not something we are taught at University).

I found the positive non-pressured environment very conducive to learning at my own pace, and indeed I gobbled it all up. Sue was able to take where I was at emotionally and with knowledge and steer me onto the right path with ease (but I was willing). One thing I did find difficult was in the videos it often implied the medical system had failed the community. I still find it a challenge, however I do recognise the medical system does have its problems... after all, I observed while working in the hospital I was at one day, if the medical system is supposed to be healing patients, why was the medical system getting busier and busier? It should have been the other way round. I also found myself with a conflict of interest... one day I saw some young people smoking. Within myself I thought that was a bad habit they where getting into. Then a thought later, these young kids, if they kept it up, would eventually see me. I began to see a huge conflict of interest. If I encourage healthy living I put myself out of work, yet as a medical professional, I had to encourage healthy living.

I learnt about how there is a difference between food products that are made to taste good but have no nutritional value, as opposed to making nutritional food taste good. Sue does the later with great expertise. I also learnt about how to read the labels on the products in the supermarkets. I tried to memorise the facts concerning labelling as best I could so that when I went home I could read the labels myself. All through, Sue was very supportive, and I was still able to sms her when I didn't know what was written on the label.

It was hard to go home and implement the ideas however, being out of the supportive environment of Sue's home. I was able to keep up the new way of eating for one week, and lost 5Kg in the process. However then it became difficult and I lapsed into my old ways. I soon put the weight back on.

I now have a new job where I travel the country of Australia, in a mobile X-ray unit, helping rural communities who don't have access to such facilities. So being on the road I don't cook myself as such. However I'm grateful for the principles I learnt from Sue, and can easily recognise the foods I need to eat. I also found that if I listened to my body as I looked at the foods in the cafe I would actually "feel" good when I looked at the salads and fresh fruit and feel churned up inside when I looked at the pastries and pies etc. So being on the road I only eat green salads and fruit salads, except for breakfast. After being on the road now for a month I was 105Kg to start, but now I am 97Kg.

I'm so grateful for Sue and her knowledge, I feel equipped to be able to be on the road and know how to eat right. I hope to continue losing weight and getting fitter as I travel the country thanks to Sue.

— Tony

I had tried all the typical diets on the market. I always lost some weight, did not feel great while I was doing the diets, and managed to gain back more than I had lost in no time when I stopped the diet. Typical yo-yo dieting.  I was sick and tired of being tired and sick. I had an “aha” moment when I was bending over to tie my shoelace, and had to get up to take a breath before being able to do up the second shoe lace.  My friend saw me doing this, and commented, “Ah, you are diving”.  I asked, “What do you mean?”He went on to explain he had been “diving” for many years.  i.e. taking a deep breath, and holding it in while tying one shoe lace, then “coming up for air”, take another breath and dive in to tie the other lace.

​I would snore all night, had symptoms of sleep apnoea, where I would stop breathing many times a night, and always get up in the morning never feeling like I’d had any rest.  Given I was always tired, I also frequently suffered from depression, but never seeked any medical attention for this, as I did not acknowledge it as a problem, I just “soldiered on”. I was busy running a business, and everything else took a back seat.

I heard about Sue from her husband who was my business coach at the time. I decided to get Sue on board as my health coach and I have not looked back since. Sue got me to focus on healing my body, and in the process I lost weight.  Sue coached me through the process every step of the way, and this really ensured my success. I had very little to think about during the day regarding any food decisions, so I was able to follow the plan while still working stupid hours in the business.


I lost 39Kg in under a year, and half way through completely stopped snoring when I slept, and hence no more sleep apnoea symptoms.

I completely eliminated any depression from my life. I wake up in the morning and feel so good, that it is not possible for me to even feel bad, let alone depressed. My wife now gets a good night’s sleep next to me, rather than sleeping on the couch when she needed a break from my snoring. I have plenty of energy, both physically and mentally. I think clearer and make better business decisions. My tolerance for BS (bullshit) from others went right down, and I was able to be straight with people rather than allowing myself to be affected by what others said or did.

I am now very conscious of how my environment affects my energy and mental state, so I know how food and other things affect me. I can now make informed and educated decisions as to what I eat, how much I sleep and how I run my life, even when everything is not going as well as I’d like it to.  I now tell others to get educated and stop following the mainstream health advice, as it’s usually at best a temporary fix, and at worst totally counter-productive to one’s health and well-being.

Looking back from when I first started with Sue, the most significant impact of my health journey is being able to show others around me what I have achieved, and so they now want to achieve this for themselves, and hence I confidently refer them to Sue.

— Steve

In 2007 I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease or more commonly known as Hyperthyroidism, an over active thyroid. My diagnoses was a wakeup call, actually it was the suggested treatment that shook me into action. Apart from medication the only other alternative was to have my thyroid surgically removed. This was not an option for me.

 After lots of research I realised I could have a positive impact on the condition by making adjustments to my lifestyle and diet. From the moment I was diagnosed, in addition to the medication recommended I managed the dis-ease and within five years I had reduced my dependence on the medication by three-quarters of the originally prescription.

 With your encouragement and as part of taking responsibility for my dis-ease I decided to participate in a 28 day juice fast with your support. Prior to undertaking the fast I was apprehensive, I didn’t know what I had to do, what recipes to use, I wasn’t sure if I would receive value for money or if you would provide the support I thought I would need.

My experience was that you were completely supportive and loving, you encouraged me, you were committed to me, you used your in-depth knowledge and experience to educate me and guide me through the process. You were always available when I needed you and your calm open and dedicated approach allowed me to continue with the fast even when I had doubt in my abilities.

Since completing the fast my digestion has improved substantially, a number of emotional issues have been resolved, people comment on how much healthier I look and most importantly, I am medication free. You have supported me to achieve my longstanding goal of taking full responsibility for my health and living dis-ease free. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise and your guidance. Your kind and giving nature has been invaluable to me and my ongoing pursuance of health and happiness.

— Samantha

I am a mum in my 50s looking after 3 active boys, a husband who travels for work, my mum in aged care, and a blind dog. In June 2019 I was diagnosed with chronic disc degeneration in several places in my back due to a car accident in my teens. My symptoms included, headaches, constant toileting, pins & needles in my hands, feet, legs & pelvic region, back aches where I have to lie on the floor for long periods just to get through the day all because of the narrowing in my spinal cord.

I’ve been coming to Cindy for Colonics for a few years & really respect her advice. She recommended I see Sue Stott for some life coaching to help manage my condition. I signed up for 10-week mentoring sessions with Sue. She helped me change my life! Her weekly catchups & regular phone calls enabled me to change my diet & lifestyle to manage my condition. There can be many emotional blocks on the road to change, & Sue’s elegant style & tough love is the right combination. I went vegan over the xmas period (ridiculous right!) but Sue helped me stay on top of things.  My tingles & headaches have stopped & I no longer feel overwhelmed getting through the day. I’ve introduced fish back into my diet & manage my family & my health to everyone’s delight. Thank you Sue for helping me get my smile back. 

— Doreen
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